One Day Itinerary For Cape Town, South Africa

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Do you have a city that has lived on your bucket list for the longest time? That was Cape Town for me, so when I was invited to go on a trip with Exodus Adventure Travels for a South Africa to Zambia road trip, which would begin in Cape Town, I could not have been more excited for the journey.

I had one full day in Cape Town, and unfortunately, the weather was not in my favor. The winds were so bad that the day I was there, two cars blew off the highway! But alas, I was determined to see as much as possible, gnarly weather aside. So, here’s a list consisting both of places I would have gone had the weather been forgiving, paired with places I went despite all odds, all of which is possible in one day.

  • Pro-Tip: If you don’t want to plan, and want to simply visit all of Cape Town’s highlights in one day, book this guided day tour.

DISCLAIMER: The photos used in this blog post are all from my day in South Africa, so don’t be discouraged by the clouds. Hopefully you have better luck!

For those who are super ambitious and really want to make the most of the day, wake up before the sun is up and hike Lion’s Head. This hike is highly recommended for the early morning for two reasons: one, you’ll beat the heat, and two, starting your one day in Cape Town on nearly 2,195 feet above the city while watching the sun rise is a pretty epic way to begin. The hike only takes around three hours meaning you’ll have plenty of time left in the day to explore, and though it’s not the easiest hike in the world, it’s by no means as strenuous as any of the routes of Kilimanjaro.

This was the thing I was most excited for, and even though I got slightly assaulted by sand on the way thanks to wind blowing it directly in my face, I was able to see the adorable penguins of Boulders Beach. Entry costs 190 South African Rands (R190) which is roughly $10.50, and if you have time, grab lunch at Seaforth Restaurant while in the area and get the giant prawn green curry.

Table Mountain in the distance — this was on my way out of Cape Town when the weather was finally clearing up!

Sadly this was something I missed because the wind was too strong for the cable cars to run, but out of all of the things to do in Cape Town, Table Mountain is often at the top of the list for good reason. Table Mountain allows you to overlook the entire peninsula and city of Cape Town. While you will have already gotten those views if you decided to hike Lion’s Head first thing in the morning, this will be an easier way to get them and will tick an extra thing off of the Cape Town bucket list.

Ah, the colorful houses of Cape Town! I was not able to visit them due to road closures, so please note the above photo is just a sign I saw in Cape Town.

There’s no doubt that Bo Kaap is the most colorful neighborhood in Cape Town, and it also happens to be home to some of the city’s best food. Aside from walking around and seeing the houses (which you simply must have a photoshoot in front of), learn about the Malay culture of the neighborhood by taking a cooking class to learn how to make traditional Malay food, which you can then eat to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Want to head to the most southwestern point on the African continent? Lucky for you, you can do this on your one day in Cape Town at the Cape of Good Hope! This was something I was able to see despite the horrid weather conditions, and while it’s super cool to see the sign, I highly recommend opening up the Maps app on your phone to see just how south you are! It feels like from here, you can swim to Antarctica (you cannot, don’t try this).

Despite my short day in Cape Town, I had a seriously memorable meal at Marco’s African Place. Marco’s offers traditional South African fare, like crocodile, impala, springbok, kudu, and ostrich, as well as hake (a popular fish served in South Africa), and plenty of sides. Naturally, it’s all best washed down with African-brewed beer and local South African wine. Best of all, there’s live music to accompany your meal. Have a glass of wine and join the people dancing to round out your day in Cape Town.

Alternatively, you can book this tour for African drumming and a 14-course meal for only $65.

Want to get out of the city for the day instead? Cape Town might seem like it’s at the other end of the earth, which it technically is, but it still is an ample base for some stellar day trips. Here are my top recommendations:

  • Robben Island — We can romanticize visiting South Africa all day everyday, but it’s doing an injustice to not acknowledge the dark past the nation has faced. There’s no better place to do this than at Robben Island for both a day out of the city and an important history lesson.
  • Stellenbosch and Franschhoek Wine Tours from Cape Town — As an avid Sauv Blanc lover, South Africa is one of my favorite wine destinations. Getting out of the city to go sip some vino on a vineyard was one of my favorite parts of my time in South Africa.
  • Half-day Stellenbosch Wine Tour — If you want to get the best of both worlds, as in visit some wineries outside of the city without killing the whole day, this half-day Stellenbosch wine tour is a great option to have your cake and eat it too.

Do you love Cape Town so much that you want to spend the night? Here are some great options for hotels for all budgets:

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